Where do you attend school and what activities are you involved in?

I am currently attending the University of Massachusetts Amherst as a Computer Engineering major. I work on personal side projects in both Unity and python.

What have your teaching opportunities been outside of Fairfax Collegiate?

I spent the first half of the COVID school year working as a TA in in-person Chinese school lessons for NCLS and the latter half online. I also spent the 2022-2023 school year working as an assistant or an after school program called BASE.

What sort of experience have you had in the subject you’ll be teaching this summer?

I will be teaching math this summer, and I have taken numerous math, physics, and engineering courses as part of my college career.

What excites you about teaching and working with students?

I think that young minds are the most open and flexible to learning new material, so to have the opportunity to shape and encourage that progress makes me happy.

Outside of work, what are some hobbies you enjoy?

My day to day hobbies include playing the piano, playing games, and occasionally engaging in various sport matches with friends. In general, I'm a rather relaxed person so many of my hobbies are from the comfort of my home.

Daniel Zhang
2024 Summer Program Teaching Schedule
Session Location Morning Class Afternoon Class
Session IV Online Virginia Algebra II 9-12
Session V Online Virginia Math 5-6 Virginia Pre-Algebra 6-8