Families must request registration cancellations in writing or by email.
For cancellation requests received before June 1, Fairfax Collegiate will refund program fees less the non-refundable deposit of $100 per student per session. There are no refunds after June 1, 2025.
A family may elect to receive a credit instead of a refund before or after June 1. The amount of the credit will be the full amount of program fees paid (including non-refundable deposits), and may be used in the next year for any Fairfax Collegiate services for any family member. Credits are not redeemable for cash.
Students who have not been picked up by 4:15pm will be brought to Afternoon Extended Care. Parents who have not arrived within a reasonable grace period will be charged the $12 per-diem Extended Care fee.
Students in Afternoon Extended Care must be picked up no later than 6:00pm. Parents arriving after 6:00pm will be assessed a late fee of $1 per minute.
Extended Care is not available during the lunch period for morning-only students. Please contact us if this is a concern and we will be glad to explore alternative arrangements with you.
Location Directors review the following key expectations with students at the beginning of each session:
Fairfax Collegiate may, in its sole discretion, remove students from the Summer Program with no refund of program fees in the unlikely event that a student's behavior creates a safety issue or a severe disruption.
Students requiring epi-pens and inhalers must complete and return the corresponding section of the Epi-Pen and Inhaler Form.
Other prescription and non-prescription medications are only permitted with prior written approval from Fairfax Collegiate.
The Fairfax Collegiate Summer Program is organized as two-week, half-day classes. Our instructors take attendance at the start of each class period, and we send email notifications to parents if a student is unexpectedly absent. We contact parents immediately by phone if a student departs unexpectedly before the end of each class period (for example, a student leaves early who drives him/herself to class).
During standard arrival and dismissal times, parents are welcome to walk with their students in and out of the building. Alternatively, students are permitted to enter and exit the building without an adult present, and we leave it up to parents to decide if they are comfortable with their student doing so.
For full-day students, the same procedures apply to the mandatory lunch period.
Fairfax Collegiate Summer Programs operate as exempt from Child Day Program Licensure under §63.2-1715.2 of the Code of Virginia, which stipulates that students may enter and leave the premises without permission or supervision.
Section §63.2-1715.2 of the Code of Virginia provides for flexibility for meeting the needs of "children with disabilities". Please contact us if you believe your child has a disability which requires you to sign him or her in and out of the program.
By enrolling in our program, you allow Fairfax Collegiate to take photographs and video of your child, which may be used in our catalog, website, and other promotional materials.
If you do not want us to photograph or take video of your child, please send a written request before attendance begins with a photo of your child.
Online class meetings are recorded for quality control purposes. Recordings are deleted after 15 days. Students who miss a class may request permission from the instructor to review the recording the day after the class.
To help ensure the safety of students with food allergies, students are not permitted to bring in food to share with others. We ask that siblings bring their own individual lunches.
Fairfax Collegiate may contact you with information about our services.
Fairfax Collegiate uses email to send updates about classes that you enroll in. You must provide a valid email address that you check regularly in order to receive these updates, and ensure that fairfaxcollegiate.com is added to your safe sender list.