Where do you attend school and what activities are you involved in?

I graduated from CNU with a BS in Neuroscience. After graduation I stayed to work in a lab that researched a rare congenital disorder called DiGeorge Syndrome.

What have your teaching opportunities been outside of Fairfax Collegiate?

At CNU I tutored chemistry and physics with my peers. I loved volunteering with Serve The City to help the city of Newport News. Environmental cleanup at the Virginia Living Museum was always cool since I got to hang out with the otters!

What subjects have you taught with Fairfax Collegiate in the past?

Previously I have taught Python, Neuroscience and Minecraft Modding

What sort of experience have you had in the subject you’ll be teaching this summer?

I have lots of experience in biology and math. A degree in Neuroscience requires a complete understanding of both and are topical tools that are used in almost every class.

What excites you about teaching and working with students?

I want to be able to excite students about the topics that I always found cool. The ability to give those insight moments for students to understand the bigger concepts is my overall goal when teaching.

Outside of work, what are some hobbies you enjoy?

I love chess and card games; rummy is always my go-to!

Nicholas Truver
2024 Summer Program Teaching Schedule
Session Location Morning Class Afternoon Class
Session I Tysons Human Biology and Anatomy 5-6
Session II Tysons Virginia Algebra 7-9 Virginia Algebra II 9-12