Where do you attend school and what activities are you involved in?

I graduated from the University of Virginia with a degree in history, and I am entering graduate school at George Washington for the same subject. Through UVA I was part of a tutoring program at Charlottesville High School. Before that I attended Westfield High School, where I was a member of the History and English Honor Societies.

What have your teaching opportunities been outside of Fairfax Collegiate?

I was a tutor in high school, helping students prepare for their AP essays and scholarship applications, as well as a volunteer designing educational programs for the Children's Science Center. Last year I taught at the National History Academy, an intensive American history summer camp.

What sort of experience have you had in the subject you’ll be teaching this summer?

In high school, I took AP Language and AP Literature. At UVA I have completed a variety of history courses requiring research papers and persuasive writing, as well as Creative Writing.

What excites you about teaching and working with students?

I love hearing the different perspectives my students bring to whatever topic we are discussing, and I try to adapt my instruction around their interests. My favorite teachers presented their lessons as stories, and I want to do the same.

Outside of work, what are some hobbies you enjoy?

In my free time I enjoy biking, reading, and traveling when it is possible.

Jacob Fajer
2024 Summer Program Teaching Schedule