Where do you attend school and what activities are you involved in?

I am attending Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) and am pursuing a Double Major in Mechanical Engineering and Physics. I am part of VCU's ASME Chapter and Rocketry team, and I have helped my team compete in national competitions, such as the ASME IAM3D competition and the Spaceport America Cup. I also am part of VCU's SPS Chapter.

In high school, I was part of the Physics Club, Math Olympiad Club, and Rocketry Club, and I have competed for each. I was also Vice President of the Orchestra Leadership."

What have your teaching opportunities been outside of Fairfax Collegiate?

I have often tutored friends and acquaintances on STEM-related subjects, such as physics, math, and engineering topics, from quantum mechanics to pre-calculus. I also aided people who walked into the Physics Club for help with their classes.

What sort of experience have you had in the subject you’ll be teaching this summer?

"I have taken all of the classes possible in my high school's math sequence, and have recently finished up Ordinary Differential Equations, Multivariable Calculus and Linear Algebra.

As part of my engineering degree, I have completed Engineering Statics, Thermodynamics, and I have completed a certification in Solidworks drafting. I also have extensive practical experience with rockets, electronics, FDM 3D printing, and Python. The latter was used as part of the SciPy library for simulation and optimization of a trebuchet.

I also have experience in JavaScript and ReactJS, and have created prototype sites for nonprofits.

What excites you about teaching and working with students?

What excites me about working with young students is that I can help those younger than me to find greater interest and have a stronger footing in the subjects that they might need help with.

Outside of work, what are some hobbies you enjoy?

Outside of work, I like doing Rocketry, 3D Printing, poetry, violin, and tending to succulents!

Bitan Chowdhury
2024 Summer Program Teaching Schedule
Session Location Morning Class Afternoon Class
Session III Online Virginia Geometry 7-9
Session IV Chantilly Aerospace Engineering 7-9 Minecraft and Python 5-6