TJ and ACL Prep

Prepare for Selective High School Admissions

Why Fairfax Collegiate?

Fairfax Collegiate has taught thousands of students over the last 30 years in a variety of subjects including standardized admissions preparation. With local founders, directors, curriculum developers, and instructors, we have a strong understanding of TJHSST and the Academies of Loudoun, along with their admissions processes.

Our prep courses have kept up-to-date with changes in the admissions processes for both schools, and we have successfully adapated these courses to be available to students remotely through Zoom. We have offered admissions prep courses online since 2020 and provide a classroom-like experience where students learn from the comfort of home.


Prepare for the Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology admissions process, with an emphasis on crafting strong personal statements and problem-solving essays.

The course is fully up to date for the revisions implemented by the FCPS School Board over the past years. Students practice answering a variety of Student Portrait Sheet essay prompts and learn what the TJ Admissions Committee is looking for in their essays. They also learn a framework for responding to the Problem-Solving Essay question, which requires a written answer and explanation for challenging mathematics or science-related problems.

Students practice efficiency in writing organized, informative and grammatically correct essays under time constraints. Instructor feedback emphasizes progress on Student Portrait Sheet responses and Problem-Solving Essays, developing strategies to highlight the strengths of each student.

Academies of Loudoun Prep

Prepare for the Academies of Loudoun (AOS and AET) admissions exam.

Students review content for each of the sections of the STEM Thinking Skills Assessment and learn a variety of effective test-taking strategies. Students also prepare for the Writing Assessment, including significant time practicing personal statements, instruction and feedback in writing organized, informative, and grammatically correct essays, and strategies for how to efficiently work under time constraints.

Students take two full-length practice tests, and receive a written evaluation after the class is complete indicating their strengths and further areas for improvement.

Classes Via Zoom

All TJ and ACL Prep courses during the school year are provided online via Zoom. Students and their instructor meet synchronously on weekends or weekday evenings to discuss content, practice skills, and work independently on problems and essays.

Students receive feedback on all the work they do in class, and instructors send individual evaluations at the end of each course to highlight each student's strengths and areas for improvement.

Summer Classes

Students can prepare for TJ and the Academies of Loudoun during our 2024 Summer Program with various in-person and online options:

Summer Locations

Prepare for the Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology admissions process, with an emphasis on crafting strong personal statements and problem-solving essays.

Prepare for the Academies of Loudoun (AOS and AET) admissions exam.