Margo Gurian is a current undergraduate at the University of Virginia. She's double majoring in in Philosophy and Women, Gender & Sexuality studies and is also interested in STEM fields like genetics. They taught with Fairfax Collegiate last summer and had a blast getting to work with kids to build their confidence in public speaking and learn to craft well-rounded arguments. They are also on the executive team for the CORE (Culture of Respect Educators) club at UVA, where she educates her peers on how to create a safe environment at UVA. Margo is excited to share her passion of writing during their second year at Fairfax Collegiate!

Margo Gurian
2023 Summer Program Teaching Schedule
Session Location Morning Class Afternoon Class
Session I Tysons Writing Skills and Grammar 5-6
Session II Tysons Reading Reinforcement 3-4
Session III Tysons Writing for Middle School 5-6
Session IV Tysons Writing for High School 7-9