Where do you attend school and what activities are you involved in?

I am an incoming Fall 2024 freshman at the University of Pennsylvania studying Electrical Engineering. I recently graduated from Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology in June 2024. I was captain of our school's First Tech Challenge robotics team and captain of our school's Physics Team.

What have your teaching opportunities been outside of Fairfax Collegiate?

Through my robotics team, I've worked with elementary schoolers on First Lego League as well as hosted online Python and Computer Aided Design camps. Outside of school, I've tutored competitive math and high school physics with local non-profit organizations.

What sort of experience have you had in the subject you’ll be teaching this summer?

As a teaching assistant, I'm helping out wherever help is needed. In high school, I took AP Computer Science A, Data Structures, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and was in the Computer Systems senior research lab. I also got a perfect score on the AP Computer Science A AP test. I've worked with robotics all throughout my time at TJHSST through my robotics team, and my highest level of math taken is multivariable calculus.

What excites you about teaching and working with students?

I love helping students reach that "ah-hah" moment when they finally understand a confusing concept. I'm excited to help students build a deep understanding and appreciation for topics they are interested in!

Outside of work, what are some hobbies you enjoy?

Outside of academics, I was on my high school cheerleading team, and I enjoy creating art.

Evelyn Li
2024 Summer Program Teaching Schedule
Session Location Morning Class Afternoon Class
Session III Chantilly Robotics Combat 7-9 Python Programming 7-9
Session IV Chantilly Robotics Engineering 5-6 TJ Admissions Prep 7-8